سوندرا فادييفاز هاجان
Dr. B. Sundaravadivazhagan
Information Technology


Contact Information

IP Phone: 535

Email: Sundaravadi@act.edu.om

Office: Building-4 304 Staff Room

P.O. Box:191, Postal Code:314


Educational Qualification:
• Ph.D. in Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering,2016, Anna University, Chennai.
• Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering (M.E (CSE)), 2008, Anna University, Chennai.
• Master of Philosophy in Computer Science (M.Phil), 2004, Madurai Kamarajar University, Madurai.
• Master of Computer Applications (MCA), 2001, Madurai Kamarajar University, Madurai.
• Bachelor of Computer Science (B.SC), 1997, Madurai Kamara jar University, Madurai.

Teaching Experience:
• October 2013 to Till date Working as a Lecturer in the Department of Information Technology of Al Musanna College of Technology, Musanna, Sultanate of Oman.
• April 2013 to September 2013 Worked as an Associate Professor and HOD in Department of Computer Science&Engineering, CR Engineering College, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India
• July 2009 to April 2013 Worked as an Assistant Professor and HOD in Department of Information Technology of N.P.R.College of Engineering & Technology, Natham, Tamilnadu, India
•July’2001 to June 2009 Worked as an Assistant Professor and HOD in Computer Science and Engineering Department of Mohamed Sathak Engineering College, Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram, Tamilnadu, India.

Language Known

  • English
  • Tamil


  • Programming laguages
  • Web development
  • Research area-Wireless netwok
  • Cryptogrpahy and security
  • IOT


  • Playing Badmitton
  • Reading books

Teaching Experience

Fundamentals of Computer Security

May 2018


Web Application Development and security

Jan 2018


Web Technologies

Sep 2017


Secure Ecommerce, C Programming, IT-GFP



Introduction to cryptography






Computer Communication Networks



Data Structure and Algorithms



Software Engineering



Database Management System



Network Protocol and Management



Operating System



Computer Graphics and Multimedia



Advanced IT Skills



Computer Algorithms



Advanced Web Technologies, FCS, GFPIT



Advanced Web Technologies, Advanced IT Skills, E-commerce For IT



Previous Research

An Effective Counter Based Adaptive Broadcast Scheme for Mobile AdHoc Networks

Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs) are in desperate need of an effective broadcasting scheme to transmit a data packet from the sender node to the destination node and the rest of the network nodes. This paper proposes an effective counter-based broadcasting scheme to accomplish efficiently broadcasting by adaptive threshold based on the local density information.




An Novel Optimized Hybrid Probabilistic Counter Based Broadcasting Scheme in MANET

The proposed, efficient hybrid counter-based and coverage based broadcasting scheme is reduced redundant broadcasts are reserved by criteria related to the number of duplicates packets received for this scheme to achieve optimal reachability, though the counter-based scheme was among the earliest suggestions to reduce the problems associated with broadcasting, there have been few attempts to analyze in-depth the performance of such an approach in MANETs.

B.Sundaravadivazhagan ,Dr.P.Jaganathan



A New Density-Based Probabilistic Counter based Scheme for Solving Broadcast Storm in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

This work introduces a new counter-based broadcasting scheme to achieve efficient broadcasting by adaptive threshold with a predetermined forwarding probability ‘p’ which can be fixed based on the local density information. The counter identifies nodes with duplicate data packets using threshold values and node removes the redundant message. Probabilistic schemes do not require global topological information of the network to make a rebroadcast decision.




Adaptive Threshold Probabilistic Counter Based Broadcast Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks in Route Discovery

The AODV protocol with a route discovery method based on the Adaptive threshold counting method. The performance of the AODV routing protocol is analyzed fewer than 3 broadcasting schemes AODV with flooding, AODV with Counting, AODV with Adaptive counting. To discover a route to a specific destination node, existing on-demand routing protocols employ a broadcast scheme referred to as simple flooding whereby a route request packet (RREQ) originating from a source node is blindly disseminated to the rest of the network nodes. This can lead to excessive redundant retransmissions, causing high channel contention and packet collisions in the network, a phenomenon called a broadcast storm.

B.Sundaravadivazhagan Dr.P.Jaganathan



A Link State Based Route Discovery for Probabilistic Broadcast Approach to reduce Broadcast storm problem in MANET.

The proposed approach is compared with the existing broadcast strategy approaches and the performance is measured in terms of broadcast ratio, rebroadcast, success rate and the number of forwarding nodes. The experimental results show that the proposed approach performs better than previous approaches.




A Cluster Based Adaptive Broadcasting scheme for Overhead Reduction in MANET

We propose a Cluster-based Adaptive broadcasting (CBAB) scheme to attain the correct balance between overhead and end to end delay. In the first phase of this scheme, we create a cluster routing procedure and the election of cluster head based on neighbor coverage metric. In the second phase, overhead is reduced with the help of link expiration time and removing redundant rebroadcast massages.




Various Broadcast Discovery Methods for Mobile Adhoc Network: A survey

This paper reviews the different broadcast discovery approaches like Route Discovery, Link State-Based Route Discovery for Broadcast Approach, is for reducing the broadcast problems present in the network. Further, the paper shows that different protocols for broadcasts also discussed.

Dr.B.Sundaravadivazhagan, R.Sankari



A Novel Women Chaperone “An Anti-Violation Technology”

This paper proposes the strategy behind anti-violation technology-based on a Pendant and a Wrist Watch having bi-directional communication.

1 J. Prabhu, 2 P. Thanapal, 3 Vijayaanand, 4 R. RKiruba Thangam and 5. Dr.B. Sundaravadivazhagan




Human Gait disorders are considered continuous nervous system dysfunction which shows an abnormality in walking. Exact classification and identification of brain disease are vital for the primary analysis and proceed with the treatment plan.

S.A.Vajiha Begum, Dr.M. Pushpa Rani , Dr. B. Sundaravadivazhagan



Sentiment Analysis of Tweets using Nave Bayes Algorithm through R Programming

This paper uses the naïve Bayes algorithm to classify the sentiments and polarity of the tweets of Bengaluru traffic in detail with the help of opinion lexicon through R studio.

Annie Syrien , Dr. M. Hanumanthappa , Dr.B. Sundaravadivazhagan3



Revisiting computer networking protocols by wireless sniffing on brain signal/image portals

Brain signal/image processing is of significant attention not only to the physiologist carrying out analysis and probe and the clinician investigating patients but further to the biomedical engineer who is vital for acquisition, processing, and interpreting the electroencephalogram signals by designing systems and algorithms for their control.

B. R. Sathishkumar, B. Sundaravadivazhagan, Betty Martin, G. Sasi, M. Chandrasekar, S. Rakesh Kumar, V. Elamaran, V. S. Balaji & N. Arunkumar



Go Back Blending Biometric To Generate Symmetric Key for Cryptosystem

This paper focuses on the incorporation of the client`s biometric features to generate the secret key, in order to build the key arbitrary to intruder who is lacking essential information about the client`s biometrics.

J.Lenin , B. Sundaravadivazhagan , M. Sulthan Ibrahim



Performance Analysis of Various Bully Leader Election Algorithms in Multiple Perspectives

Several Leader Election algorithms are used in the distributed network among them; the Bully Algorithm (BA) is the one which used widely. There are many versions of BA were proposed each of which implemented to enhance its performance. The review discussion of this paper gives the comparative analysis in different aspect like priority allocation, Information maintenance, Simultaneous detection of failure, Bandwidth reduction, Leader recovery, Split of node Architecture, Co-Coordinator hierarchy

Dr. S. Rajeswari* , Dr. S. Gokila , Dr.B.Sundaravadivazhagan



An Empirical Analysis Of Factors Influencing IoT In Healthcare Environment Applying Tam Model

IoT also referred as Internet of Things is an inexorablesmart toolwith numerousclaims in diverse fields. HealthCare environment is an important field to adopt IoT.The IoT support innovation of modern health care remote technology with help of the patient to improve the quality of treatment in addition to more convenient and more economical. The study pertains to identify the factors influencing IoTin HealthCare environment and also suggest the solutions via counter measures for the same by application of TAM. The security challenges and issues in IoT health care can be addressed by ensuring the confidentiality of the patient data. The study reveals that the challenge lies in motivating patients to adopt the new technology.

Dr.B.Sundaravadivazhagan,Dr.B.N.Padmaja Priyadarshini



A Review on Internet of Things (IoT): Security Challenges, Issues and the Countermeasures approaches

In the present scenario, Internet of Things is playing vital role in the next era of communication. The IOT applications like smart cities, smart houses, smart livestock, smart health care, smart climate etc. It can be lead to many security challenges and issues. The aim of this survey focus on the main objective of the security challenges and issues in the data privacy, security, confidentiality, integrity, availability, access control, encryption, default password, malware and ransom, botnet, phishing, cloud, routing and trust management and discussed recovery from mention security defies. This study has detailed review of IoT layered design, each of these layers having lot of security challenges such as threats, vulnerabilities and attacks. Understanding these challenges and associated countermeasures mechanism with the help of the secure routing.

B Sundaravadivazhagan, B Subashini, Mr. Mohemed Ashik M



A Pedagogical Approach on Digital Signal Processing for ECG Signals

A general comment is that learning digital signal processing (DSP) is very difficult for freshman students. The main objective of this article is to exhibit hands-on experiments to grasp the basic principles behind DSP. Yet the student communities have an exceptional insight of engineering mathematics subjects, due to the inadequacy of application illustrations, figuring out Fourier ideology of discrete-time systems turns into uninteresting for the scholars. The DSP fundamentals are regularly used in everyday activity over many appliances. This article focuses primarily on demonstrations of filter design techniques with electrocardiogram (ECG) signal processing application examples. MATLAB R2018a tool is used here to elucidate the DSP notions. The hum noise in an ECG signal is removed using a band-stop filter, and a breath signal of 8 Hz in an EEG signal is removed using a high-pass filter. The concept …

B Sundaravadivazhagan, Parimisetti Abhijnan, SS Sai Suraj, G Sasi, V Elamaran



Amalgamation and characterization for test Suite enhancement in software testing using data mining techniques

esting is the fundamental activity intentional at detecting and solving technical issues in the software source code. In software development, test suite plays a major role. A test suite is a collection of test case which describes actual input, action and an expected response to verify whether a system under test satisfies requirements correctly or not. A huge number of test cases are required for testing the software. The test cases may be redundant. So, the execution of all these test cases entails lot of effort, time and cost. So, it is necessary to make enhancement in the test suite that outcome in good coverage with less effort, time and cost. This work proposes a hybrid technique for test suite enhancement using data mining techniques. The hybrid approach is performed in three ways i) Classification based Clustering ii) Classification based Association iii) Classification based RTM approach used to make enhancement …

B.Sundaravadivazhagan, B.Subashini ,Mohemed Ashik



Ongoing Research

Research Areas of Interest

  • Wireless networks
  • Ad-Hoc Network
  • Cryptography and Network Security
  • IOT

Behind Academia

Research coordinator, IT Foundation Coordinator, Moderation Committee Member,Journal Reviewer and Editor(reputed journals),Examiner for Ph. D. thesis,